Thika TTI Virtual Learning Environment

The Thika TTI has an online platform, the TTI Virtual Class. Each student has her or his individual webpage called Thika TTI Virtual Classroom account. The Thika TTI Virtual Classroom is an online environment that provides individualized resources, information, and services from one simple and secure login point.


To provide quality training in technical, industrial, vocational and entrepreneurship.

The mandate of the institute is through registration under the Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology under the Education Act Cap 211 under the first schedule. It is also guided through its operations by other Acts of Parliament like KNEC Act , TSC Act, KIE Act KASNEB Act and others.


To be the centre of excellence in Technical, Industrial, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training.


To provide Training, Research and Outreach Programmes that impart skills and utilize applied knowledge to spur economic growth and solve problems in society.


  • To give quality training and services.
  • To mould wholesome individuals.
  • To uphold teamwork in all our undertakings.
  • To enhance linkage with industries.
  • To enhance linkage with other institutions.
  • To uphold research and development.
  • To uphold innovation and creativity.


  • Quality training
  • Ethical practices
  • Fairness and equity
  • Team work
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Respect of rule of law
  • Cleanliness and orderliness
  • Efficiency and efficacy

Thika Technical Training Institute offers both Technical and Business Courses at Certificate and Diploma levels and has so far trained over 10,000 students since 1987. It has limited boarding facilities for both makes and females which are allocated on first come first serve basis.

The Institute has grown from 750 to 1907 students for the last two years where majority of students are being accommodated in the institution on first come first served basis. It has more than 1087 male students and 681 female students in various courses. The Institute has about 50 non- teaching staff and 142 Lecturers who service the departments, 122 Lecturers are TSC employed and 20 are BOG employed. These lecturers have different levels of training. The table below shows the different categories of Lecturers.


Thika Technical staff is fully implementing our set targets for our third quarter performance Contract. We were evaluated in 2010/2011and was rated at no. 7 out of 42 institutions and are still waiting for the result of 2011/2012 which is yet to be released. Thika Technical is also ISO 9001:2008 Certified. We continue offering quality services as outline in our Service Delivery Charter.